A BROTHEL in a quiet Oxford street was run so professionally it was "like a restaurant", a court heard today.Mother-of-two Elaine Konopka, 39, admitted helping run the brothel in Middle Way, Summertown....
"Konopka admitted working at the address on approximately ten occasions over an 18-month period. She said she was responsible for answering phones, making appointments and greeting customers." ...
"She was not a part-time receptionist, she was a fill-in receptionist. The brothel was open from 10am to 10pm seven days a week. ...
District judge Brian Loosley looked at the brothel's menu, which had services ranging from £50-£140, while considering the sentence.
Ordering her to carry out 60 hours' unpaid community work and pay £100 costs, he said: "It is quite clear this was run almost like a restaurant, with menus and various services being offered....
Neighbours tonight said they were pleased the brothel had been closed.
One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said she thought Konopka's sentence was too lenient.
She said: "I think it is disgusting she only got 60 hours' community service.
"It is so nice not having so many strange men going in there. It was really unpleasant. It certainly attracted all sorts of men - not very nice people at all.
"Some had children's car seats in the back. You just felt upset for the wives."
Labels: crime, law, Oxford, surplus. social regulation
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