Friday, March 6, 2009


Another Bungled Obama Nominee

LIke everyone in America, I can't keep up with all the failed nominees of teh Obama Administration. Well, maybe stock analysts are keeping up. Anyway, here's another:

Annette Nazareth, a former senior staffer and commissioner with the Securities and Exchange Commission, made "a personal decision" to withdraw from the process, according to a person familiar with her decision.

An American Spectator article is alarming about the Treasury Department:
"We have no one here. There is no leadership," says another senior career Treasury official. "I've never seen anything like it. We have a secretary who seems to have no understanding of what his job entails, and no one in the White House seems to either know it or want to acknowledge it. We have people making decisions who shouldn't be making decisions, and in positions where we should have people making decisions about our domestic economy, our banking system and our Wall Street recovery plan, we have no one. People should be alarmed by this, but no one seems to care."

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