ClimateGate, New Zealand Fakery
Uh, oh – raw data in New Zealand tells a different story than the “official” one. and the pitiful government response in Combining Temperature Data from Multiple Sites in Wellington
- Willis Eschenbach’s FOI Request, an excellent and exhaustive analysis of the FOIA stonewalling and why the "confidential data" excuse is bogus.
- The USHCN Version 2 Serial Monthly Dataset National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNational Climatic Data Center (how they adjust the data-- and how they don't adjust for heat island effects) and UNITED STATES HISTORICAL CLIMATOLOGY NETWORK MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION DATA. with its graph of how the adjustments *increase* the temperature about .25 degrees farenheit from 1960 to 1990.
- The Climate Audit denier blog has had lots of good stuff.
Iowahawk Geographic: The Secret Life of Climate Researchers "The Alpha Grantwriter in our hive has been very successful indeed. He has earned three publications, a keynote address, and attracts the attention of a suitor from the symbiotic grant-giving predator genus Lucra Ecologica Hysterica. The suitor's grant bags are bulging with carbon credits and tax revenues harvested using the hive's last graphs, and the pair once again engage in their annual cross-pollination ritual"
- REGIONAL TEMPERATURE CHANGE Vincent R. Gray. "The high Russia/Soviet figures indicate a common trend of large temperature rises in remote rural sites in severe climates. Other examples are Canada minus W Yukon (+0.96°C), North Pacific (+0.90°C) Spitzbergen (+4.06°C) and South Georgia (+1.91°C). The main reason would surely be the pressure to improve living conditions in these remote sites, involving better heating in the buildings, provision of roads, and the tendency for vegetation around the sites to be encouraged. The narrowing of the diurnal temperature range for many of these sites (Easterling et al. 1997) is further evidence for this tendency. "
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