The Deaths of My Parents and Daughter
My parents and one of my daughters, 9-year-old Elizabeth, were killed in a car-train crash in Illinois on July 13. For details, see I will return to blogging eventually. Here is what I wrote for the newspaper last week:
We are blessed. We have four wonderful children, and we had Lizzie for nine years. My parents lived their threescore and ten and more, and died quickly, and I was able to share 50 happy years with them. The Lord God has been good to us, and we are selfish to want more, when we have had so much. Lizzie was so sweet, helpful, and affectionate, that we worried about how people would hurt her when she grew up. She loved God better than any of us, and He has saved her from care. So many are so lucky to have known her, and we got to know her best.
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